Beginning Birding for All

Who is that feathered creature pecking at your feeder? Come to us. We know. Watch & count birds, participate in “bird” activities, and get help with identifications. Make a bird feeder to take home, play the beaks game, examine the size and mass of birds and other activities.

Don’t miss our great Beginning Bird Hike at 9 a.m.

Get prepared to be part of Cornell’s “Great Backyard Bird Count” nationwide citizen scientist survey this weekend! This event is sponsored by the Thorn Creek Audubon Society. Part of this program will take place indoors in an accessible facility.  Hiking is on natural surface trails across uneven terrain for approximately 2 miles.

Saturday, February 16    9 a.m.–noon.   Free! All ages.   Registration required by Thursday, February 14.    708.747.6320.