Learn Your Birds by Spring

Sundays, January 9 through February 13 (6 classes). 1-3:30 p.m. Thorn Creek Nature Center. Ages 11 or older. $50 prepaid for full series. Registration and payment by Wednesday, January 5: 708-747-6320.

Bird identification can be overwhelming but learning only a few birds each week makes it fun and easy! Six weekly lessons and short hikes given by master birder Sue Zelek on the key shapes, markings, habits and songs for our local birds will make spring bird watching a snap! Price includes a Peterson’s Field Guide to Birds and other birding materials. Sponsored by the Thorn Creek Audubon Society. This program will be held indoors in an accessible facility. For the hikes, participants should be able to walk 1 mile outdoors on natural surface trails across uneven and possibly wet/muddy terrain.